
Tag: global warming

  • Enough Sermons on Climate, It’s Time for ‘Just’ Action

    As Britain readies to host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow in November this year, there is a concerted effort to push countries towards publicly endorsing and adopting ‘Net Zero’—a carbon neutral emission norm—as policy. This is a demand for an inflexible, near-impossible, time-bound agenda to achieve what is…

  • Excuse Me, Mr. U.N. Secretary General

    The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres raised the climate change stakes this week when he called for the cancellation of all coal-fired power projects around the world. He said “Today, I am calling on all governments, private companies and local authorities to take three steps,” “First, cancel all global coal projects in the pipeline and…

  • The Insurance Industry’s Climate Risk

    The United States is being battered by Hurricanes along the Gulf Coast and by wildfires in Northern California. These events are harbingers of climate change. Accelerated warming is making hurricanes more destructive and storm surges higher. As homeowners grapple with these disasters, while social distancing in a pandemic, insurance companies are weighing their financial exposure…