
Author: Andrew Pickens

  • Climate and Energy Priorities for the New U.S. Administration

    President-elect Joe Biden has outlined a nationwide goal for the United States to produce 100% carbon-free electricity by 2035 and reach net-zero emission by mid-century. Doing so would move the country from its current 40% renewable energy mix to a completely decarbonized electricity sector. The administration will have to balance expected plant retirements in the…

  • E-Commerce Has a Climate Problem

    There are about 165 billion packages shipped in the United States every year. That’s 503 for every person in the country. With a few scrolls and clicks, an order is placed, and a fulfillment process is triggered. The product is zipped through a storage space on a conveyor belt, before being packaged and sorted for…

  • The Insurance Industry’s Climate Risk

    The United States is being battered by Hurricanes along the Gulf Coast and by wildfires in Northern California. These events are harbingers of climate change. Accelerated warming is making hurricanes more destructive and storm surges higher. As homeowners grapple with these disasters, while social distancing in a pandemic, insurance companies are weighing their financial exposure…

  • What do four more years of Trump mean for the climate and energy agenda?

    Since taking office, the Trump administration has set-off on an extensive effort to deregulate and weaken climate and environmental protection, while promoting fossil fuels. This includes vehicle fuel efficiency standards, the Clean Power Plan, methane leaks, and an overlying effort to undermine scientific rule making. U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are up since 2017 and…